近年來在國際著名學(xué)術(shù)期刊Optics Express , Optics Letters,Applied Optics,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,Remote Sensing等發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)研究論文100余篇,其中SCI、EI、ISTP收錄近200篇。
發(fā)表科研論文目錄 (2000—2023)
[1]Zeyu Chen, Christoph Krafft, Chunmin Zhang* .Tanveer Ahmed Shaik and Jürgen Popp, Polarization Raman microscope based on channeled spectropolarimetry . Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2023-05-16
[2]Chunmin Zhang*, Yujiao Zhang, Yifan He . Influence of the four-quadrant fixed mirror on the temperature and wind velocity inversion for the near-infrared static Mars wind imaging interferometer .Earth and Space: From Infrared to Terahertz (ESIT 2022).2023-01-31
[3] Ke Ke, Chunmin Zhang*, Qian Tang, Yifan He, Baoli Yao, “Single underwater image restoration based on color correction and optimized transmission map estimation.” Measurement Science and Technology 34 (2023): 055408.
[4] Ning Chang, Shiping Guo*, Chunmin Zhang, Yanqiang Wang, Feng Tang. (2023). Imaging Characteristics of Disturbance Flow Field Surrounding a Hypersonic Target. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(15), 8827.
[5] Chunmin Zhang*, Tingyu Yu, Yanqiang Wang, Biyun Zhang, Zhengyi Chen, Zeyu Chen, Ward William, Kristoffersen, Samuel. (2023). Static Wind Imaging Michelson Interferometer for the Measurement of Stratospheric Wind Field. Optics Express. 31. 10.1364/OE.496550.
[6] Ke Ke, Chunmin Zhang*, Yujiao Zhang, Ning Chang, Feng Tang. “Fusion-based restoration method for uneven illumination images in deep sea”. International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2022). SPIE, 2023, 12550:282-288.
[1]Zeyu Chen, Chunmin Zhang, Tingkui Mu, Yanqiang Wang, Yifan He, Tingyu Yan, Zhengyi Chen . Coded aperture full-stokes imaging spectropolarimeter . Optics and Laser Technology. 2022-06-13
[2]Ke Ke, Chunmin Zhang*, Qian Tang, Yifan He, Baoli Yao. Single underwater image restoration based on descattering and color correction . Optik. 2022-06-01
[3] Zhengyi Chen, Chunmin Zhang*, Tingkui Mu, Yifan He. Tensorial Multiview Subspace Clustering for Polarimetric Hyperspectral Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022-05-13
[4]Yanqiang Wang, Chunmin Zhang*, Zeyu Chen, Yongqiang Sun, Pengju Zhang. Measurement of visibility and phase steps of a static wind imaging interferometer assisted by deep learning .Applied optics. 2022-03-31
[5]黃永義,張淳民. 黑體空腔中熱平衡條件的導(dǎo)出[J]. 大學(xué)物理,2022,41(11):9-10+42.
[6] Chunmin Zhang, Yifan He*, Qian Tang, Zhengyi Chen, Tingkui Mu, Infrared Small Target Detection via Inter-patch Correlation Enhancement and Joint Local Visual Saliency Prior[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, 2022.
[1] Chunmin Zhang, Yifan He*, Qian Tang, Zhengyi Chen, Tingkui Mu. Infrared Small Target Detection via Inter-patch Correlation Enhancement and Joint Local Visual Saliency Prior .IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2021-11-15
[2] Wang Y,Zhang C, Rong P, Yan T, Chen Z. Influence of the tilted arm glass on the temperature and wind velocity inversion for a static wind imaging interferometer .Optics Communications. 2021-09-17
[3]Yan T, Zhang C, Wang Y, Chen Z . The narrowband full polarization spectra reconstruction for static channeled spectropolarimetry. Optik. 2021-08-26
[4] Zhang C, Li G , Yan T , Du X, Wang Y . The optical throughput of near-infrared static wind imaging interferometer. Optics Communications.2021-07-01
[5] Zhang C, Wang Y, Yan T, He Y, Sun Y. Research on signal to noise ratio of near-infrared Static Wind Imaging Michelson Interferometer. Applied Optics.2021-06-02
[6] Ke K, Zhang C, Wu M, Sun Y. Improved defogging algorithm for sea surface images based on dark channel prior theory. Optical Engineering.2021-05-21
[7] Zhang C, Yan T, Jia C, Ward W E. Tempo-spatially modulated imaging spectropolarimetry based on polarization modulation array. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2021, 261: 107448. 2021-05-01
[8]Rong P, Zhang C, Ward W E, Zhu H, Dai H. Compensation optimization for a static Mars wind imaging Michelson interferometer. Optics and Lasers in Engineering.2021-05-01
[9]Zhang C, Du X, Yan T, Li G. Research on Instrument Visibility of Ozone Wind Imaging Interferometer . Remote Sensing.2021-03-01
[1]Han F, Mu T, Bao D, Tuniyazi A, Li Q, Gong H, Chen Z and Zhang C. Iterative reconstruction for general linear imaging polarimetry without polarimetric calibration[J]. Optics letters, 2020,45(1):57.(SCI)
[2]Rong P, von Savigny C, Zhang C, et al. Response of middle atmospheric temperature to the 27 d solar cycle: an analysis of 13 years of microwave limb sounder data[J]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020,20(3):1737-1755. (SCI)
[3]Wu M, Zhang C, Jiao Zet al. Improvement of dehazing algorithm based on dark channel priori theory[J]. Optik, 2020,206:164174. (SCI)
[4]Wang Y , Zhang C , Mu T , et al. Design and analysis of a Fourier transform imaging spectropolarimetry based on polarization modulation array (PMAFTISP)[J]. Optics Communications, 2019, 460:125101. (SCI)
[5]Quan N, Zhang C, Mu Tet al. Estimation variance of dual-rotating-retarder Mueller matrix polarimeter in the presence of Gaussian thermal noise and poisson shot noise[J]. Journal of optics (2010), 2019,22(2):25701.(SCI)
[6]Sun Y, Zhang C, Zhang P, Mu T, Yan T, Wang Y. Calibration of Frequency Shift System of Wind Imaging Interferometer[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2020,86(12):753-760.(SCI)
[7]He Y, Zhang C, Mu T, Yan T, Wang Y, Chen Z. Multiscale Local Gray Dynamic Range Method for Infrared Small-Target Detection[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2020, 1558-0571.(SCI)
[8]Quan N, Zhang C, Mu Tet al. Spectroscopic Mueller matrix polarimeter based on spectro-temporal modulation[J]. Optics Express, 2020,28(25):37758.(SCI)
[9]Zhang C, Yan T, Jia C, Ward W E. Tempo-spatially modulated imaging spectropolarimetry based on polarization modulation array[J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 2020: 107448.(SCI)
[10]Rong P, Zhang C, Liu D, et al. Sensitivity analysis of an XCO2 retrieval algorithm for high-resolution short-wave infrared spectra. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics .2020-06-10
[11]黃永義,邵國運,張淳民. 海森伯矩陣力學(xué)[J]. 大學(xué)物理,2020,39(02):5-9+17.
[1]Mu T, Han F, Bao D , et al. Compact snapshot optically replicating and remapping imaging spectrometer (ORRIS) using a focal plane continuous variable filter[J]. Optics Letters, 2019, 44(5):1281. (SCI)
[2]Peng T , Li R , An S , et al. Real-time optical manipulation of particles through turbid media[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(4):4858. (SCI)
[3]Yan T, Zhang C. Aliasing reduction for channeled spectropolarimetry based on super-resolution technique[C]. SPIE, 2019. (EI)
[4]Wang Y, Zhang C, He Y. Sparse aperture masking technique on measurement of star diameter[C]. SPIE, 2019. (EI)
[5]Xue X, Zhao J, Zhang Cet al. Thermal vacuum optical performance test system for space laser communication terminal [C]. SPIE, 2019. (EI)
[6]Chen Z, Zhang C. Efficient sparse subspace clustering for polarized hyperspectral images. [C]. SPIE, 2019. (EI)
[7]Quan N , You C , Zhang C , et al. Channeled spectropolarimetry with increased bandwidth and aliasing reduction[J]. Optik, 2019, 181:562-570. (SCI)
[8]Li R, Peng T, Zhou M, et al. Rapid wide-field imaging through scattering media by digital holographic wavefront correction[J]. Appl Opt. 2019, 58(11): 2845-2853. (SCI)
[9]Chen Z , Zhang C , Mu T , et al. Coded aperture snapshot linear-Stokes imaging spectropolarimeter[J]. Optics Communications, 2019, 450. (SCI)
[10]Chen Z, Zhang C, Mu T et al. An Efficient Representation-Based Subspace Clustering Framework for Polarized Hyperspectral Images[J]. Remote sensing (Basel, Switzerland), 2019,11(13):1513. (SCI)
[11]Mu T, Bao D, Han F, et al. Optimized design, calibration, and validation of an achromatic snapshot full-Stokes imaging polarimeter[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(16): 23009-23028. (SCI)
[12]張淳民. 電磁學(xué)多普勒效應(yīng)在高層大氣探測中的應(yīng)用[J]. 大學(xué)物理,2019,38(02):52-54+59.
[1]Tang Q, Guo L X. Dispersion nonlinearity analysis of immersed gratings[J]. Appl Opt, 2018,57(7):1548-1553.(SCI)
[2]Mu T , Bao D , Zhang C , et al. Optimal reference polarization states for the calibration of general Stokes polarimeters in the presence of noise[J]. Optics Communications, 2018, 418:120-128. (SCI)
[3]Quan N, Zhang C, Mu T. Optimal configuration of partial Mueller matrix polarimeter for measuring the ellipsometric parameters in the presence of Poisson shot noise and Gaussian noise[J]. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2018,29:30-35. (SCI)
[4]Quan N, Zhang C, Mu T, Li Q. Full linearly Stokes channeled polarimetric technique with low reconstruction errors[J]. Optik,2018,164. (SCI)
[5]Quan N , Zhang C , Mu T , et al. Channeled polarimetric technique for the measurement of spectral dependence of linearly Stokes parameters[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018, 90:95-100. (SCI)
[6]Zhang J , Zhang C , Yan T , et al. Spectrum reconstruction for five-channel autocorrelation function of spectropolarimeter[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2017, 157:1259-1266. (SCI)
[7]Yan T, Zhang C, Zhang J, et al. High resolution channeled imaging spectropolarimetry based on liquid crystal variable retarder[J]. Optics Express, 2018, 26(8):10382. (SCI)
[1]Quan N , Zhang C , Mu T . Modified Savart polariscope with wide field of view and achromatic lateral displacement[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 382:392-398. (SCI)
[2]Quan N , Zhang C , Yan T , et al. Linear stokes imaging spectropolarimeter based on the static polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 391:30-36. (SCI)
[3]Li Q , Zhang C , Yan T , et al. Wavelength calibration of an imaging spectrometer based on Savart interferometer[J]. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 24:24-30. (SCI)
[4]Mu T, Yan T, Zhang C, et al. Full Stokes spectralpolarimeter based on the polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer[C]. SPIE, 2017. (EI)
[5]Rong P, Zhang C, Yan Tet al. Simulation of the fixed optical path difference of near infrared wind imaging interferometer, 2017[C]. SPIE, 2017. (EI)
[6]Li Q, Zhang C, Yan T. Experimental research for relative radiometric calibration of imaging spectrometer based on Savart plates[C]. SPIE, 2017. (EI)
[7]Liu D , Zhang C , Li Y , et al. Research on the influence of the vertical temperature profile on the retrieval of CO2 concentration[C].Second International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10256, id. 102564Q 8 pp. (2017). 2017. (EI)
[8]Gao M , Zhang C , Zhou Y . Temperature Dependent Optical Spectroscopy of Defect States in Monolayer Molybdenum Disulphide Field Effect Transistors[C]. Aps March Meeting. American Physical Society, 2017. (EI)
[9]Gao G , He K , Tian J , et al. Ultrafast all-optical solid-state framing camera with picosecond temporal resolution[J]. Optics Express. 2017. 25(8): 8721-8729. (SCI)
[10]Gao G , Tian J , Wang T , et al. Ultrafast all-optical imaging technique using low-temperature grown GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple-quantum-well semiconductor[J]. Physics Letters A, 2017:S0375960117308381. (SCI)
[11]Mu T, Pacheco S, Chen Z, et al. Snapshot linear-Stokes imaging spectropolarimeter using division-of-focal-plane polarimetry and integral field spectroscopy[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 42115. (SCI)
[12]Lu S, Ward W E , Langille J A , Kaare K S et al. Wind velocity measurement with wide angle divided mirror Michelson wind imaging interferometer[J]. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2017,11(9-10):544-550. (SCI)
[13]Zhang R , Ward W E , Zhang C . O2 Nightglow Snapshots of the 1.27 um Emission at Low Latitudes on Mars with a Static Field-Widened Michelson Interferometer[J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 203. (SCI)
[1]Zhang C , Li Q , Yan T , et al. High throughput static channeled interference imaging spectropolarimeter based on a Savart polariscope[J]. Optics Express, 2016, 24(20):23314. (SCI)
[2]Li Q, Zhang C, Yan T, Wei Y. Polarization state demodulation of channeled imaging spectropolarimeter by phase rearrangement calibration method[J]. Optics Communications,2016,379. (SCI)
[3]Li Y, Zhang C, Liu Det al. Comparison between the ESFT and LBL simulation with enhanced SCIATRAN of orbital CO2 retrieval for High-resolution Satellite[J]. Optik, 2016,127(2):628-633. (SCI)
[4]Li Y , Zhang C , Liu D , et al. CO2 retrieval model and analysis in short-wave infrared spectrum[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(10):4422-4425. (SCI)
[5]Li Y , Zhang C , Liu D , et al. XCO2 retrieval algorithm in short-wave infrared spectrum and validation with TCCON data[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(16):6479-6483. (SCI)
[6]Li Y, Zhang C, Dai Het al. XCO2 satellite retrieval experiments in short-wave and infrared spectra with SCIATRAN model for Sahara Desert[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2016,59(11):2252-2259. (SCI)
[7]Liu D , Zhang C , Li Y , et al. The influence of temperature on the simulated high resolution spectra of enhanced SCIATRAN model in near infrared band[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(18):7292-7299. (SCI)
[8]Liu D , Zhang C , Li Y , et al. The retrieval algorithm for a satellite-borne CO2-sounder: Preliminary results in near infrared band[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016, 127(20):8613-8620. (SCI)
[9]魏宇童, 劉尚闊, 顏廷昱,等. 偏振型干涉成像光譜儀譜線位置定標(biāo)方法的研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2016, 65(08):36-45. (SCI)
[10]Quan N , Zhang C , Mu T . Principle and analysis of a birefringent beam splitter[J]. Optik International Journal for Light & Electron Optics, 2016, 127(16):6735-6741. (SCI)
[11]Quan N , Zhang C , Mu T. Static Fourier transform imaging spectropolarimeter based on quarter-wave plate array[J]. Optik,2016,127(20). (SCI)
[12]權(quán)乃承, 張淳民, 穆廷魁. 基于孔徑分割與視場分割的通道型成像光譜偏振技術(shù)∗[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2016, 065(008):080703-1-080703-8. (SCI)
[1]Mu T, Zhang C, Li Qet al. Error analysis of single-snapshot full-Stokes division-of-aperture imaging polarimeters[J]. Optics Express, 2015,23(8):10822. (SCI)
[2]Mu T, Zhang C, Li Qet al. Achromatization of waveplate for broadband polarimetric system[J]. Opt Lett, 2015,40(11):2485-2488. (SCI)
[3]Mu T, Zhang C, Liang R. Demonstration of a snapshot full-Stokes division-of-aperture imaging polarimeter using Wollaston prism array[J]. Journal of optics (2010), 2015,17(12):125708. (SCI)
[4]Li Y, Zhang C, et al. Comparison between the ESFT and LBL simulation with enhanced SCIATRAN of orbital CO2 retrieval for High-resolution Satellite[J]. OPTIK, 2015, 127(2):628-633. (SCI)
[5]李祺偉, 張淳民, 魏宇童,等. 偏振型干涉成像光譜儀中Savart偏光鏡通光孔徑的研究∗[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2015, 000(022):1-11. (SCI)
[6]陳潔, 張淳民, 王鼎益, 張興贏, 王舒鵬, 栗彥芬, 劉冬冬, 榮飄.. 地表反照率對短波紅外探測大氣CO2的影響[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2015(23):423-429. (SCI)
[7]Zhang C, Zhang C. A switchable femtosecond and picosecond soliton fiber laser mode-locked by carbon nanotubes[J]. Laser physics, 2015,25(7):75104. (SCI)
[8]Rong P, Zhang C, Wang D, et al. Simulation of the Atmospheric CO2 measurements at Fuling with the Inversion Model Results[C]. The International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2014). International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015. (EI)
[9]Li Y , Zhang C , Wang D , et al. Comparison between the ESFT method and LBL method of CO2 retrieval for high-resolution satellite[J]. 2015, 9449(GCIS). (SCI)
[1]Mu T , Zhang C , Li Q , et al. Achromatic Savart polariscope: choice of materials[J]. Optics Express, 2014, 22(5):5043. (SCI)
[2]Cao Q, Zhang C, et al. Achromatic snapshot imaging polarimeter using modified Savart polariscopes and hybrid (refractive-diffractive) lenses[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014, 13(125):3380-3383. (SCI)
[3]Mu T , Zhang C , Li Q , et al. The polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer-I. Concept, principle, and operation[J]. Acta Physica Sinica -Chinese Edition-, 2014, 63(11):110704. (SCI)
[4]Mu T , Zhang C , Li Q , et al. The polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer-II. Optical design and analysis[J]. Acta Physica Sinica Chinese Edition, 2014, 63(11):110705. (SCI)
[1]Zhang C, Ren W, Mu Tet al. Empirical mode decomposition based background removal and de-noising in polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Opt Express, 2013,21(3):2592-2605. (SCI)
[2]Ren W, Zhang C, Mu Tet al. Empirical mode decomposition based background removal and de-noising in polarization interference imaging spectrometer: erratum[J]. Optics Express, 2013,21(8):10207. (SCI)
[3]Ren W , Zhang C , Jia C , et al. Precise spectrum reconstruction of the Fourier transforms imaging spectrometer based on polarization beam splitters[J]. Optics Letters, 2013, 38(8):1295-7. (SCI)
[4]Kang Y , Zhang C , Xue C , et al. Wannier stark ladder in one-dimensional photonic crystal coupled microcavity containing indefinite metamaterials[J]. Journal of Optics, 2013, 42(4):335-340. (SCI)
[5]Wang J, Zhang C, Zhang Let al. Complete optical throughput analysis of the static polarization wind imaging interferometer[J]. Appl Opt, 2013,52(11):2248-2256.(SCI)
[6]Gao, Peng, Zhang, et al. Multiple frequency bands of square split resonant rings and metal wire metamaterial[J]. Applied Optics, 2013, 52(52):6309-6315. (SCI)
[7]Zhang C, Lu L, Ai J. Modulation depth of static four-phase-divided wind imaging interferometer[J]. Appl Opt, 2013,52(18):4242-4248. (SCI)
[8]Gao P , Zhang C , Jia Z , et al. Multiple frequency bands of square split resonant rings and metal wire metamaterial: erratum[J]. Applied Optics, 2013, 52(31):7523. (SCI)
[9]Gao P , Zhang C , Ai J , et al. Measurement of negative refraction index from simulative results and experimental data by a new metamaterial sample[J]. Physica A Statal Mechanics & Its Applications, 2013, 392(24):6506-6511. (SCI)
[10]Zhang L , Zhang C , Ren W Y , et al. Feasibility analysis of an achromatic quarter wave plate in a static polarizing wind imaging interferometer[J]. Measurementence & Technology, 2013, 24(7):075801. (SCI)
[11]Ai J , Zhang C , Gao P , et al. Signal-to-noise ratio of the spatially modulated imaging spectrometer based on modified Sagnac interferometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2013, 298-299:46-53. (SCI)
[12]Mu T , Zhang C , Jia C , et al. Alignment and retardance errors, and compensation of a channeled spectropolarimeter[J]. Optics Communications, 2013, 294:88-95. (SCI)
[13]Zhang C, Cao Q, Jian Xet al. Image fusion of tempo-spatially modulated polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2013,297:12-19. (SCI)
[14]Ai J , Zhang C , Gao P . Optical path difference and lateral displacement of Sagnac lateral shearing interferometer[J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2013, 60(8):646-658. (SCI)
[15]Ai J, Zhang C, Gao Pet al. Modulation transfer function of a modified spatially modulated imaging interferometer[J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2013,60(20):1750-1759. (SCI)
[16]Kang Y, Zhang C, et al. Electromagnetic resonance tunneling in a single-negative sandwich structure[J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2013, 13(60):1021-1026. (SCI)
[17]Gao P , Zhang C , Zhang L , et al. Metamaterial composed of different cells exhibiting a negative refraction property over multiple frequency bands[J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2013, 60(11):925-931. (SCI)
[18]Qu Y , Zhang C , Wang D , et al. Comparison of atmospheric CO2 observed by GOSAT and two ground stations in China[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(11-12):3938-3946. (SCI)
[19]Zhang L , Zhang C , Jian X , et al. Multispectral color image composition of temporally and spatially mixed modulated polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(22):5837-5839. (SCI)
[20]Mu T , Zhang C . Models for polarization detection with the modified polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(7):661-665. (SCI)
[21]Zhu B , Zhang C , Zeng W , et al. Error analysis of the moving mirror tilting in Michelson wind imaging interferometer[J]. 2013, 124(16):2436-2442. (SCI)
[22]Kang Y , Zhang C . Resonant modes in photonic multiple quantum well structures with single-negative materials[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(22):5430-5433. (SCI)
[23]Gao P , Zhang C , Ai J , et al. Metamaterial with negative refraction over wide frequency band[J]. Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18(5):346-350. (SCI)
[24]Ai J , Zhang C , Jia C , et al. Optical throughput of the tempo-spatially modulated polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(22):5751-5755. (SCI)
[25]Zhang L , Zhang C , Ren W , et al. Effect of assembly error of polarization array on a Polarizing Atmospheric Michelson Interferometer[C].ISPDI 2013 - Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. (EI)
[26]Wang J , Zhang C , Ren W , et al. The influences of the wavelength bandwidth on the measured wind velocity and temperature in the static polarization wind imaging interferometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(24):6932-6935. (SCI)
[27]Gao P, Zhang C. Double-passband refraction of metamaterials[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(17):3053-3055. (SCI)
[1]Mu T, Zhang C, Jia C et al. Static hyperspectral imaging polarimeter for full linear Stokes parameters[J]. Optics Express, 2012,20(16):18194. (SCI)
[2]Mu T , Zhang C , Ren W , et al. Static polarization-difference interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(17):3507-3509. (SCI)
[3]Ren W, Zhang C, Mu Tet al. Spectrum reconstruction based on the constrained optimal linear inverse methods[J]. Opt Lett, 2012,37(13):2580-2582. (SCI)
[4]Zhang C , Ai J , Gao P . Optical throughput of the Sagnac interferometer with a modified large optical path difference[J]. Appl Opt, 2012, 51(14):2693-2700. (SCI)
[5]Zhang C , Dai H , Mu T , et al. Effect and suppression of secondary fringes in FATWindII[J]. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(18):4186. (SCI)
[6]Cao Q , Zhang C , Dehoog E . Snapshot imaging polarimeter using modified Savart polariscopes[J]. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(24):5791-6. (SCI)
[7]Zhang C , Li Y . Influence of the tilting reflection mirror on the temperature and wind velocity retrieved by a polarizing atmospheric Michelson interferometer[J]. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(27):6508. (SCI)
[8]Zhu Y , Zhang C , Zhao B . Design and analysis of a novel noncollinear acousto-optic tunable filter[J]. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(9):2332-2334. (SCI)
[9]Kang Y , Zhang C , Mu T , et al. Resonant modes and inter-well coupling in photonic double quantum well structures with single-negative materials[J]. Optics Communications, 2012, 285(24):4821-4824. (SCI)
[10]Gao P, Zhang C. Resonant frequency of triangle split resonant rings[J]. Optical Engineering, 2012, 51(1):018001. (SCI)
[11]Zhang C, Zhu H, Wu H. Complete throughput analysis of the static four-phase-divided wind imaging interferometer[J]. Optical Engineering, 2012, 51(4):046202. (SCI)
[12]Zhang C , Zhu B , Zhu H , et al. Novel polarization atmosphere Michelson interferometer[J]. Optical Engineering, 2012, 51(10):101714-1. (SCI)
[13]Mu T , Zhang C . Models for polarization detection with the modified polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(7):661-665. (SCI)
[14]Zhu B , Zhang C , Zeng W , et al. Error analysis of the moving mirror tilting in Michelson wind imaging interferometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2013, 124(16):2436-2442.(SCI)
[15]張宣妮, 張淳民. 靜態(tài)偏振風(fēng)成像干涉儀光傳輸特性和光通量改善[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2012(10):228-238. (SCI)
[16]祝寶輝, 張淳民, 簡小華,等. 時空混合調(diào)制型偏振干涉成像光譜儀的全視場偏振信息探測研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報. (SCI)
[17]代海山, 張淳民, 穆廷魁. 寬場、消色差、溫度補償風(fēng)成像干涉儀中次級條紋研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2012, 61(022):226-234. (SCI)
[1]Zhang C, Zhu H, Zhao B. The tempo-spatially modulated polarization atmosphere Michelson interferometer[J]. Opt Express, 2011,19(10):9626-9635. (SCI)
[2]Zhang C, Zhao J, Sun Y. Influences of the thickness, misalignment, and dispersion of the Savart polariscope on the optical path difference and spectral resolution in the polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(20):3497. (SCI)
[3]Zhang C, Wu Q, Mu T. Influences of pyramid prism deflection on inversion of wind velocity and temperature in a novel static polarization wind imaging interferometer[J]. Applied optics. Optical technology and biomedical optics, 2011,50(32):6134. (SCI)
[4]Gao H , Zhang C , Zhao B . Relative calibration for a polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2011, 284(12):2747-2750. (SCI)
[5]Mu T, Zhang C, Ren Wet al. Static dual-channel polarization imaging spectrometer for simultaneous acquisition of inphase and antiphase interference images[J]. Measurement science & technology, 2011,22(10):105302. (SCI)
[6]Zhang C, Ai J, Ren W. Exact calculation of the minimal thickness of the large optical path difference wind imaging interferometer[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2011,20(2):20701. (SCI)
[7]Mu T, Zhang C, Ren W et.al. Interferometric verification for the polarization imaging spectrometer[J]. Journal of Modern Optics, 2011,58(2):154-159. (SCI)
[8]Zhang C , Wu H , Li J . Fourier transform hyperspectral imaging polarimeter for remote sensing[J]. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50(6):066201-066201-5. (SCI)
[9]Zhang C, Mu T. Response to the comment on "Design and analysis of wide-field-of-view polarization imaging spectrometer"[J]. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50(4):258-258. (SCI)
[10]Zhang C , Bai X , Jing C , et al. Transmission ratio of the Glan–Taylor prism with deviated optical axes in the static polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik , 2011, IJLEO-51391. (SCI)
[11]Jian X , Zhang C , Zhao B . Polarization detection with polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2011, 122(8):677-680. (SCI)
[12]Gao H , Zhang C , Zhao B . A polarization interference imaging spectrometer and its calibration[J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2011, 122(23):2110-2113. (SCI)
[13]白鑫, 張淳民, 景春元,等. 干涉成像光譜儀光通量的計算與分析[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2011(07):173-180. (SCI)
[14]朱化春, 張淳民. 偏振風(fēng)成像干涉儀多波長探測理論研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2011, 60(7):331-337. (SCI)
[15]穆廷魁, 張淳民, 任文藝,等. 偏振干涉成像光譜儀的視場展寬設(shè)計與分析[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2011, 60(007):181-187. (SCI)
[16]Mu T, Zhang C. Dual-channel polarization imaging spectrometer[C], Proc. of SPIE,2011, 8032, 80320M:1-5. (EI)
[1]Jian X, Zhang C, Zhang L, et al. The data processing of the temporarily and spatially mixed modulated polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Opt Express. 2010, 18(6): 5674-5680. (SCI)
[2]Zhang C, Jian X. Wide-spectrum reconstruction method for a birefringence interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics letters, 2010,35(3):366. (SCI)
[3]Zhang C, Yuan Z, Sun M, et al. Miniature periodic structures of left-handed materials[J]. Appl Opt. 2010, 49(3): 281-285. (SCI)
[4]Zhang C, Gao P, Sun M, et al. Analysis of the resonant frequency of the octagonal split resonant rings with metal wires[J]. Applied optics. Optical technology and biomedical optics. 2010, 49(29): 5638. (SCI)
[5]Zhang C, Gao P, Sun Met al. Analysis of the resonant frequency of the octagonal split resonant rings with metal wires[J]. Applied optics. Optical technology and biomedical optics, 2010,49(29):5638. (SCI)
[6]吳俊芳, 張淳民. Relationship between incident angle and dispersion in static large field of view polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010(03):034201. (SCI)
[7]穆廷魁, 張淳民. A novel polarization interferometer for measuring upper atmospheric winds[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010(06):204-210. (SCI)
[8]Wu H Y , Zhang C M , Li J . A simple and effective model for Jones matrix to evaluate the transmission performance of Savart polariscope[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010(11):381-388. (SCI)
[9]張淳民, 任文藝, 穆廷魁. Effects of optical axis direction on optical path difference and lateral displacement of Savart polariscope[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010(02):247-256. (SCI)
[10]Zhang C, Mu T, Ren W, Zhang L, Liu N. Design and analysis of wide-field-of-view polarization imaging spectrometer[J]. Optical Engineering, 2010, 49(4):p.043002.1-043002.7. (SCI)
[11]Jian X, Zhang C, Zhao B. Polarization detection with polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optik, 2011,122(8):677-680. (SCI)
[12]張淳民, 劉寧, 吳福全. 偏振干涉成像光譜儀中格蘭-泰勒棱鏡全視場角透過率的分析與計算[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(02):257-265. (SCI)
[13]張淳民, 朱蘭艷. 新型偏振風(fēng)成像干涉儀中偏振化方向?qū)φ{(diào)制度和干涉強度的影響研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(02):989-997. (SCI)
[14]張淳民, 黃偉健, 趙葆常. 新型偏振干涉成像光譜儀噪聲分析與評價[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(08):311-318. (SCI)
[15]張霖, 張淳民, 簡小華. 高層大氣風(fēng)場洛倫茲光譜線型粒子輻射率探測研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(02):207-214. (SCI)
[16]孫堯, 張淳民, 杜娟,等. 一種基于新型偏振干涉成像光譜儀的目標(biāo)偏振信息探測新方法[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(6):3863-3870. (SCI)
[17]朱化春, 張淳民, 簡小華. 新型風(fēng)成像干涉儀溫度補償理論研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(02):893-898. (SCI)
[18]劉寧, 張淳民, 王金嬋,等. 新型靜態(tài)偏振風(fēng)成像干涉儀理論探測誤差的分析與計算[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(06):749-759. (SCI)
[19]孫明昭, 張淳民, 宋曉平. 新型八邊形諧振環(huán)金屬線復(fù)合周期結(jié)構(gòu)左手材料奇異性質(zhì)研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報,2010,59(8):5444-5449. (SCI)
[20]王金嬋, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 靜態(tài)偏振風(fēng)成像干涉儀中光在四面角錐棱鏡中的傳播規(guī)律研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(03):1625-1631. (SCI)
[21]簡小華, 張淳民, 祝寶輝,等. 時空混合調(diào)制型偏振干涉成像光譜儀數(shù)據(jù)處理研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(09):213-219. (SCI)
[22]嚴(yán)新革, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 時空混合調(diào)制型偏振干涉成像光譜儀干涉圖獲取模式研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2010(05):218-224. (SCI)
[1]Zhang C M , Zhao B C , Yuan Z L , et al. Analysis of signal-to-noise ratio of an ultra-compact static polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 2009, 11(8):085401. (SCI)
[2]Mu, Tingkui, Zhang, Chunmin, Zhao, Baochang. Principle and analysis of a polarization imaging spectrometer[J]. Applied Optics, 2009, 48(12):2333. (SCI)
[3]Mu T , Zhang C , Zhao B . Analysis of a moderate resolution Fourier transform imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2009, 282(9):1699-1705. (SCI)
[4]Mu T , Zhang C , Zhao B . Optical path difference evaluation of the polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2009, 282(10):1984-1992. (SCI)
[5]Wen-Yi R, Chun-Min Z, Ting-Kui M. Application of Equivalent Air Gap Method in Uniaxial Crystal Plate[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009,26(8):84209. (SCI)
[6]Bu Z, Zhang C, Zhao B. A static and divided mirror Michelson interferometer for measuring atmospheric winds[C]. SPIE, 2008. (EI)
[7]簡小華,張淳民,祝寶輝,趙葆常,杜娟. 利用偏振干涉成像光譜儀進(jìn)行偏振探測的新方法[J]. 物理學(xué)報(12):7565-7570. (SCI)
[8]簡小華, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 利用偏振干涉成像光譜儀進(jìn)行偏振檢測的最佳角度分析[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009(04):2286-2293. (SCI)
[9]張淳民, 孫明昭, 袁志林,等.基于三角諧振環(huán)的新型六邊形諧振環(huán)金屬線復(fù)合周期結(jié)構(gòu)左手材料性質(zhì)研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009, 58(003):1758-1764. (SCI)
[10]步志超, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 大視場消色差溫度補償型風(fēng)成像干涉儀調(diào)制度的分析與計算[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009(04):2415-2422. (SCI)
[11]吳海英, 張淳民, 趙葆常等. 改型Wollaston棱鏡的光程差及其特性分析[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009,58(03):1642-1647. (SCI)
[12]吳海英, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 基于組合Wollaston棱鏡成像光譜儀的視場擴大原理分析[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009,58(02):930-935. (SCI)
[13]穆廷魁, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 偏振干涉成像光譜儀中Wollaston棱鏡光程差及條紋定位面的精確計算與分析[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009,58(06):3877-3886. (SCI)
[14]孫明昭, 張淳民, 宋曉平,等.基于矩形諧振環(huán)的新型復(fù)合周期結(jié)構(gòu)左手材料研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2009, 58(009):6179-6184. (SCI)
[1]Zhang C M , Yan X G , Zhao B . A novel model for obtaining interferogram and spectrum based on the temporarily and spatially mixed modulated polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2008, 281(8):2050-2056. (SCI)
[2]Jian X , Zhang C , Zhao B , et al. The application of MUSIC algorithm in spectrum reconstruction and interferogram processing[J]. Optics Communications, 2008, 281(9):2424-2428. (SCI)
[3]葉劍勇, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 高層大氣風(fēng)場四強度測量法誤差分析與計算[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2008, 057(001):67-73. (SCI)
[4]吳海英, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 新型偏振干涉成像光譜儀中格蘭-泰勒棱鏡像質(zhì)分析與評價[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2008(06):3499-3505. (SCI)
[5]查新未, 張淳民. 利用一個三粒子W態(tài)隱形傳送N粒子GHZ態(tài)[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2008, 057(003):1339-1342. (SCI)
[6]阮鍇, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 高層大氣風(fēng)場探測改型大光程差Sagnac干涉儀全視場角光程差與橫向剪切量的精確計算[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2008, 57(009):5435-5441. (SCI)
[7]杜娟, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 穩(wěn)態(tài)大視場偏振干涉成像光譜儀中視場補償型Savart偏光鏡透射率研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2008(10):281-288. (SCI)
[8]簡小華,張淳民,祝寶輝,趙葆常,杜娟. 利用偏振干涉成像光譜儀進(jìn)行偏振探測的新方法[J]. 物理學(xué)報(12):7565-7570. (SCI)
[1]Wu L , Zhang C , Zhao B . Analysis of the lateral displacement and optical path difference in wide-field-of-view polarization interference imaging spectrometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2007, 273(1):67-73. (SCI)
[2]Zhang C, Zhao B, Li Y et.al. Novel imaging interferometer for upper high-speed atmospheric wind field survey, 2007[C]. SPIE, 2007. (EI)
[3]Tang Y, Chen G, Zhang C et.al. Optimization of the modified Sagnac imaging interferometer for full compensation, 2007[C]. SPIE, 2007. (EI)
[4]簡小華, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 研究干涉圖處理與光譜復(fù)原的一種新方法[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2007(02):236-241. (SCI)
[5]袁志林, 張淳民, 趙葆常. 新型偏振干涉成像光譜儀信噪比研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2007(11):251-257. (SCI)
[6]賀健, 張淳民, 張慶國. 佛克脫光譜線型干涉圖的理論及其應(yīng)用研究[J]. 光譜學(xué)與光譜分析, 2007(03):9-12. (EI)
[7]簡小華, 張淳民, 孫堯,等. 一種可調(diào)橫向剪切量的新型偏振干涉成像光譜儀[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2007(04):643-646. (EI)
[8]葉劍勇, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 大氣風(fēng)場探測薩尼亞克干涉儀光程差的計算及探測模式研究[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2007(07):7-12. (EI)
[9]汪麗, 趙葆常, 相里斌,等. 邁克爾遜風(fēng)場干涉儀基準(zhǔn)光程差及步長誤差容限分析[J]. 光子學(xué)報, 2007(09):139-142. (EI)
[10]唐遠(yuǎn)河, 陳光德, 趙振宇,等. 改型薩尼亞克成像干涉儀的光通量[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2007, 27(008):1490-1493. (EI)
[11]王懷軍, 李維民, 張淳民,等. 應(yīng)用業(yè)務(wù)預(yù)測的動態(tài)帶寬分配算法[J]. 光電工程, 2007(05):117-120.
[12]洪新華, 梁云杰, 殷世民,等. 光譜儀焦平面陣列非均勻性校正的研究[J]. 河南師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然版), 2007, 35(004):62-65.
[1]Zhang C , He J . The generalization of upper atmospheric wind and temperature based on the Voigt line shape profile[J]. Optics Express, 2006, 14(26) :12561-12567. (SCI)
[2]He J, Zhang C. The accurate calculation of the Fourier transform of the pure Voigt function[J]. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2005,7(10):613-616. (SCI)
[3]Zhang C, Zhao B, Xiangli Bet al. Interference image spectroscopy for upper atmospheric wind field measurement[J]. Optik, 2006,117(6):265-270. (SCI)
[4]Zhang C , Zhao B , Xiangli B , et al. Birefringent laterally sheared beam splitter-Savart polariscope[C].2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2006. (EI)
[5]Zhang C, Zhao B, Li Yet al. Novel imaging interferometer for upper high-speed atmospheric wind field survey, 2007[C]. SPIE, 2007. (EI)
[6]Zhang C, Zhao B, Yuan Y, He J. Analysis of the Throughput of onboard Polarization Interference Imaging Spectrometer[C]. Proceedings of 20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics.2005:4693-4698. (EI)
[7]Su X , Tian W J , Zhang C M . Analysis of off-focus of linear-array pinholes in novel microscopical imaging spectrometer[J]. Guangxue Jishu/Optical Technique.
[8]彭志紅, 張淳民, 趙葆常,等. 新型偏振干涉成像光譜儀中Savart偏光鏡透射率的研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2006(12):183-190. (SCI)
[9]彭志紅, 張淳民. 顯微偏振干涉成像光譜儀中景深對系統(tǒng)分辨力的影響[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2006(02):239-243. (EI)
[10]吳俊芳, 張淳民. 自旋梯可積模型的研究[J]. 計算物理, 2006, 23(2):189-192.
[11]查新未, 張淳民. 三體純態(tài)的糾纏度及其分類[J]. 西安交通大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2006, 40(002):243-245.
[12]唐遠(yuǎn)河, 張淳民, 陳光德,等. 星載超廣角改形Sagnac干涉儀的自推掃探測大氣風(fēng)場[J]. 自然科學(xué)進(jìn)展, 2006, 16(011):1491-1495.
[13]蘇星, 田維堅, 張淳民. 新型顯微成像光譜儀系統(tǒng)中線陣針孔離焦研究[J]. 光學(xué)技術(shù), 2006(05):90-92+95.
[14]蘇星, 田維堅, 張淳民. 顯微成像光譜儀技術(shù)的研究及應(yīng)用[J]. 光學(xué)技術(shù), 2006, 32(006):820-823.
[15]陳福都, 李維民, 張淳民, et al. 基于小波變換的GPON動態(tài)帶寬分配算法研究[J]. 空軍工程大學(xué)學(xué)報·自然科學(xué)版, 2006, 7(5):42-44.
[16]汪麗, 趙葆常, 相里斌,等. 風(fēng)場探測干涉儀中基準(zhǔn)光程差的選擇原理[J]. 光子學(xué)報, 2006, 035(008):1254-1258. (EI)
[17]張麗娟, 李維民, 張淳民,等. OBS網(wǎng)絡(luò)中競爭解決機制研究[J]. 光通信技術(shù), 2006(07):24-26.
[18]陳福都, 李維民, 張淳民,等. 一種改進(jìn)的GPON動態(tài)帶寬分配策略[J]. 光通信技術(shù), 2006(07):18-20.
[19]張麗娟, 李維民, 張淳民,等. 一種用于解決OBS網(wǎng)中資源競爭的新機制[J]. 光通信研究, 2006, 000(006):8-10.
[1]Jun-Fang W, Chun-Min Z, Rui-Hong Y, et al. Nested Bethe Ansatz for Spin Ladder Model with Open Boundary Conditions[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2005, 43(4):687-694. (SCI)
[2]He J, Zhang C. The accurate calculation of the Fourier transform of the pure Voigt function[J]. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2005,7(10):613-616. (SCI)
[3]唐遠(yuǎn)河, 張淳民, 劉漢臣等. 基于鍍膜四面角錐棱鏡技術(shù)的上層大氣風(fēng)場探測研究[J]. 物理學(xué)報, 2005(09):4065-4071. (SCI)
[4]賀健, 張淳民, 唐遠(yuǎn)河,等. 洛倫茲光譜線型的高層大氣風(fēng)場被動探測原理分析[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2005(05):2-5. (EI)
[5]唐遠(yuǎn)河, 張淳民, 賀健, et al. 基于洛倫茲線型極光的上層大氣風(fēng)場探測模式研究[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2005(06):3-7. (EI)
[6]吳磊, 張淳民, 袁艷,等. 薩伐爾偏光鏡橫向剪切量和光程差的精確計算[J]. 光學(xué)學(xué)報, 2005, 25(7):885-890. (EI)
[7]唐遠(yuǎn)河, 張淳民, 陳光德等. 衛(wèi)星遙感探測上層大氣風(fēng)場的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究進(jìn)展[J]. 物理學(xué)進(jìn)展, 2005(02):142-152.
[8]仇浩, 張淳民. 關(guān)于高速運動物體視覺形象的討論[J]. 大學(xué)物理, 2005, 24(4).
[9]Xing. Su a,b and Weijian. Tian a and Chunmin. Zhang. Analysis of the effect on tissue autofluorescence detection from off-focus of Linear-array pinholes in LP-Laser Scanning Confocal fluorescence Microscopical Imaging Spectrometer[C].Proceedings of 20th Congress of the International Commission for Optics,2005:1369-1375. (EI)
[1]Zhang C , Zhao B , Xiangli B . Wide-Field-of-View Polarization Interference Imaging Spectrometer[J]. Applied Optics, 2004, 43(33):6090-0. (SCI)
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